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內容簡介: 博客來書店博客來網路書局This book is a collection of documents including articles, speeches and records of conversation that the former Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable E.G. Whitlam AC.QC, has both written and presented regarding Australias relationship wi博客來th China. As early as 1954, Whitlam, then a member of Parliament, was the first person in the Australian Government to urge the recognition of the People's Republic of China.
Whitlam became the first Australian political leader to visit China in an official capacity as leader of the Labor Party in 1971. The following year, 1972, just three weeks after being elected Prime Minister, Whitlam established formal diplomatic relations between the Commonwealth of Australia and the People’s Republic of China. The speeches, records and articles we have compiled in this book have been generously donated by the officer of Honourable E.G. Whitlam AC.QC, and the Whitlam Institute in Sydney.作者簡介GOUGH WHITLAMWhitlam became the first Australian political leader to visit China in an official capacity as leader of the Labor Party in 1971. The following year, 1972, just three weeks after being elected Prime Minister, Whitlam established formal diplomatic relations between the Commonwealth of Australia and the People’s Republic of China.博客來網路書店
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- 新功能介紹 作者: GOUGH WHITLAM
- 出版社:天地圖書 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2010/06/21
- 語言:繁體中文
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